This is a story about my cancer from my weird brain. Which means it is a true story however, I look at a situation through sarcasm, contempt, ridicule, fractals, pictorial compositions & colloquial representations which is kind of putting a eccentric spin on the situation. The bottom line is my brain perceives a situation as strange humor, weird that it may be, but humor; “what ever gets you through the day”.

With that being said, please understand that this story is an imitation of parody, which means a literary or artistic work that imitates the characteristic style of the author(yours truly) or a work for comic effect or ridicule, the operative word is comic effect. So the intention is to tell a very serious story with the attempt at humor and was not to be callous, malicious or nasty, but to imitate the comic style of the author by mocking pictures & words indented to evoke humor, yes even at the expense of a person(s), thing, process(s) including myself. So please do not take it personal or to denigrate the seriousness of the story and/or the terrible disease of cancer. It comes down to how my brain processes a bad situation effecting me. Not a big deal, Welcome to my world.

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